Need some party inspiration? Listed below are some great kids party ideas you can organise yourself. We’ve also listed some popular party food recipes. If you’ve got some fun kids party ideas, feel free to share them with us and we’ll publish them here.
How to Tame the Technology!
Hosting a slumber party can be so much fun for you and your child. However, it can sometimes be tricky if your guests bring along their mobile devices and appear to be more engaged with the device than the party. Here’s a simple idea to help you ‘tame the technology’. Print the image of your choice and attach it to the front of a box or basket. When your guests arrive, explain that their mobile devices will be safe with you whilst it is in your care. Be sure to be clear in letting them know that at any time they can come and ask for their phone if they are feeling like they need to touch base with Mum or Dad. Every family has different rules with device usage, and this is just one suggestion to hopefully assist with monitoring device usage throughout the slumber party.
Be sure to also check out the unique SleepoversRus party games and optional add ons here.
Balloon Timeline – Highly Recommended
SleepoversRus co-Director, Melanie Freeman, created and used the Balloon Timeline below to run her daughter’s 13th birthday sleepover. It was extremely successful and the girls were all very excited to learn what the next activity was with the popping of the balloons! This activity is highly recommended as it’s fun for the guests and it makes Mum or Dad’s job much easier in keeping the party ticking along with activities etc.
Chocolate Tasting Game
Print out the SleepoversRus Chocolate Tasting Game score cards. To do this, simply save the scorecard as a jpeg image and then print that image off on your computer.
- Buy 10 different types of chocolate bars. For example, Mars Bar, Snickers, Twix, Milky Way, Kit Kat, M&M Bar, Chomp, Cherry Ripe, Crunchie and Curly Wurly. (Remember to be mindful of allergies).
- Break the bars into bite size pieces and put the pieces of one type of chocolate bar on a tray, then create the rest of the trays for all your different samples.
- Once you are ready to start the game, have all your guests bring their SleepoversRus sleep mask to the table and hand each guest a score card and pen/pencil, and sit down.
- Next, have the guests put their sleep masks on and when all the eyes are covered, pass out a piece of the chocolate bar to each guest from one tray. Once they’ve eaten the piece, allow them to remove the mask and write down which chocolate bar they think they’ve just eaten. (Make sure their masks are on and eyes closed before eating the piece as some chocolate bars may be recognisable just by their shape).
- Repeat this process until the guests have eaten a sample from every tray.
- At the end of the game, have guests score their cards to find out which ones they got right and which ones were wrong.
- As the major prize, perhaps the winner could receive all 10 different chocolate bars (wrapped and uneaten, of course!) If there are a number of guests with the same score, you could always divide up the chocolates between the top scorers.
Test Your Taste Buds
Before the party set out several different edible items from the kitchen and number them 1 to 6 … or if you want to have a larger assortment 1 to 12. The object of the game is for the children to roll one or two dice – twice and they have to eat a spoonful of the combination of the two numbers they roll. Have a mix of good and yucky foods. Here is an example of 2 dice:
#1 – Cottage Cheese
#2 – Tomato Sauce
#3 – Mustard
#4 – Mayonnaise
#5 – Orange Juice
#6 – Salsa
#7 – Ice Cream
#8 – Soda
#9 – Sugar
#10 – Soy Sauce
#11 – Icing
#12 – Vegemite
If on the first roll a child gets a 3 and the second roll they get a 9, they have to mix a small spoonful of sugar with mustard and eat it.
Minute to Win It Games
These ‘Minute to Win It’ games were a huge success at Paige’s 13th birthday.
Cookie Face
This is a great game to kick off the party because all of the players can compete at the same time (or you can break it down into several rounds of game play). Each player places a cookie on their forehead, and the goal is to get the cookie into your mouth using only your facial muscles in under 1 minute. No hands! This is tougher than it looks!
Stack It Up
Players must stack 25 coins (I used 5 cents) in under a minute using only one hand. This game works well with 3 players competing in each round of play.
Suck It Up
Players place a straw in their mouth and use suction to transfer a pile of 25 M&M’s (or smarties) from one plate to another in under one minute. Only one hand may be used to hold the straw. Everyone gets to eat their candy when the round is finished! This game also works well with 3 players competing in each round.
Pong Tac Toe
Pong Tac Toe was one of the guests’ most favourite games. Using blu tac I secured 5 large plastic drinking cups to a table. Each player had one minute to bounce the ping pong balls down the length of the table and into the cups – 3 in wins!
Stack Attack
Players have to stack up a pile of cups and then place them back into a single stack in under a minute. Each guest stacks 21 cups. Two players competing in each round works well so that any falling cups won’t knock over the competitor’s stack, too!
Scoop It Up
Using nothing but a spoon in your mouth, transfer six ping pong balls from one bowl to another) in less than one minute. No hands! Hands are only allowed if you drop the ping pong ball, and then they can be used to place the ball back into the original bowl for another transfer attempt. 2-3 players compete for each round of play.
Junk in the Trunk
This game was another crowd favourite! To prepare for this game, empty a tissue box, and use a knife to make two slits into the bottom of the box. Thread an adjustable belt or wide ribbon through the two slits to create a tissue-box-on-a-belt. Removing the thin plastic barrier from the tissue box opening will make game play easier (for younger children) or keep it intact for more challenging play. To play the game, strap the tissue box onto the player’s back, and fill it with 6-8 ping pong balls (we used 6, but 8 would be appropriate for older children and adults). Shake, shimmy, jump, and dance around until all of the balls have fallen out of the tissue box. No using your hands and no laying down! This game is hysterical to watch in action!
Defy Gravity
Using only one hand, players must keep two balloons from touching the ground for one minute. For a more challenging game, increase the amount to three balloons per player (and use different coloured balloons for each player to make it easy to differentiate!). No holding the balloons! 2 players per round of competition worked well to give the players ample space to knock their balloons around.
The player with the most points at the end of all games wins a prize. Mel bought a notebook and pen from Typo as the prize. There’s a blank scorecard for you to use too – simply click on the image above to enlarge and print. Enjoy!
Handmade Party Favours
If you’re also looking for unique hand made party favours, instead of giving your guests take home lolly bags, be sure to check out all of our optional extras which include items such as personalised gold glitter cosmetic bags filled with divine smelling soaps, pillow sprays and temple/lip balms. We also offer personalised mugs with premium hot chocolate sticks from the Mornington Peninsula Chocolaterie and Ice-Creamery. Yummo! Check out all of the optional extras here.
What about these old school favourites?
Kids still love to play these at any birthday party!
Or what about these games, perhaps suited to the slightly older kids? Check out the newest version of Pass the Parcel – with Gladwrap. The kids will love it – they can see the prizes but it seems to take forever to get to them!
Movie Suggestions
Feed the kids and then settle them down for the night with a good movie (or two). Check out these suggestions –
Party Food Inspiration
Need some party food inspiration? Check these out.