Boho Soiree
For those who love ‘Boho Dreaming’ but want a slumber party without individual teepee tents, this is for you! Suitable for tweens and also Hen’s parties, create a ‘Boho Soiree’ in your living room.
‘Boho Soiree’ features a large full lace teepee to style the room, along with scatter cushions, floor rugs and other decorative elements. Full sized single beds are provided along with Tontine Winter weight quilts and beautiful linens. Dreamcatcher stands will also adorn the room. Metal lanterns will be placed on each guest’s breakfast tray as well as scattered around the large teepee. Forefront and centre is the full lace teepee which can be used as a ‘gifting tent’ and provides a beautiful focal point in your sleepover space. Each guest will receive a sleep mask to keep.
Package Pricing for ‘Boho Soiree’
This SleepoversRus slumber party packages consist of 4 beds without individual teepees. One large teepee adorns the sleepover space. Extra beds are $50 each and can be added below if you have a party for more than 4 guests.